#anxiety Channel Rules

The rules below apply to everyone in the #anxiety IRC channel.

Please note that any advice and diagnoses is to be considered anecdotal. We are not medical professionals and if you require immediate attention please call the crisis hotline in your area

Channel rules updated on 06/07/23

1. Be respectful, courteous - We will not tolerate harassment or trolling of any kind directed to other members of the channel. If you choose to disclose personal information in the main channel or in PM (such as Name, picture(s), email, cell number or other social media accounts) You do this at your own risk.

Threatening to release information (known as doxing) out of spite/bribery/blackmail or as a personal attack directed to a particular individual(s) will result in a permanent ban and possible escalation to an IRCOP or local police.
2. COVID-19 pandemic discussion Coronaviruses are a type of virus. There are many different kinds, and some cause disease. A coronavirus identified in 2019, SARS-CoV-2, has caused a pandemic of respiratory illness, called COVID-19

Everyone is aware of the severity of this discease. If you choose to disclose your vacination status, do it at your own discretion. Please keep anti-vax views to your self.

Please note: If an op feels the topic of discussion is getting out of hand you must change topics if asked to do so. Failure to comply will result in loss of voice or a temporary ban.

3. No offensive behaviour / Discrimination, abusive language or actions toward other individuals - Any form of racism, sexism, homophobia, or any other prejudice will not be tolarated. If you are found to be discriminating against a particular group of people you will be kicked immediately.
4. Discussion of politics and religion - Both religion and politics are prone to cause arguments between people who disagree. we in the #anxiety channel prefer to keep things drama FREE environment, AND because people in the channel follow MANY different faith paths, and have differing political beliefs, these topics are therefore not allowed.

If you wish to discuss religion and/or politics with someone, do so in PRIVATE (PM), or in a channel specially set up for discussions of that nature. Not in #anxiety
5. Private Messages (PM) - If would like to PM (Private Message) another user, you must first ask permission in the main chatroom. Do not PM anyone without first getting his/her permission.Respect the user's decision if he/she declines.
6. Channel Language - The official language of the #anxiety channel is english. There is no auto-translator tool available for IRC. Please locate a suitable web translator before chatting.
7. No third party bots - Users are not allowed to bring bots into this channel. Both the bot and the user will be kicked. One bot is enough for this channel
8. No flooding - Extreme word repetition - If you want to post something type up all that you want to post and then make a single post. Do not post many short lines in quick succession. Additionally do not spam the channel. You will annoy everyone when you break this rule.

If you need to show people in the channel a large block of text please use a service such as www.pastebin.com.
9. Stay out of suspected troll, drug, porn, and illegal channels - In our experience, a large amount of the problematic behaviour on the channel can be resolved by simply blocking entry to our channel when a person is hanging around in suspect or troublesome channels on IRC. There are some channels on IRC that if we notice a person is in, they will be banned.

Feel free to send a PM to an operator to chat about this if you like. Ultimately though, it is our decision and unfortunately it is a measure we have found necessary to make to make all of our lives easier. Please respect that decision.
10. Drug talk - Please keep talks about self-medicating, illegal drugs, and marijuana to a minimum.Failure to do so may result in a ban.
11. No Cybering / cybersex / cyber-making-out / sexual roleplay / ASL- . This room serves as a anxiety support channel, not a porn / pick up channel - either take it to PM or take it to another channel. We in #anxiety are not interested in your extra activites. Failure to do so will result in a ban.
12. Connection problems including mobile devices- We welcome everyone to #anxiety. We ask that if you connect using a mobile device such as a PC, laptop, phone or tablet. Leaving it connected to idle may result in a ban if constant disconnect/reconnects occur from your device. Please PM an op to have the ban removed.Remember, it isn't personal..
13.Discussion of suicide / self harm or violence in #anxiety -
  • Do not sensationalize suicides
  • Do not romanticize suicides
  • Never portray suicides as heroic
  • Never say that a suicide ended pain or ended suffering.Suicide CAUSES excruciating pain for suicide survivors
  • People need to be alive to feel relief from pain. Suicide CAUSES pain
  • Be careful about describing the methods used
  • Do not go into great detail about the methods, and do not show detailed pictures of the locations where the suicides occurred
  • Do not discuss self harming methods
  • Do not discuss ways connit suicide
  • Do not discuss wishes to commit violent acts or wishing harm directed toward people in real life or online
  • Suicide is never the answer. Getting help is the answer!

  • 14. Final Word from the Operators - These rules serve as a guideline for this channel. Your common sense is also encouraged. If you get asked by an OP to stop doing something, or to change the topic etc and you choose not to change your behavior, then this shows to us that you also are choosing to accept whatever consequences may be given to you. Please note, continuing to argue with OPS will result in a ban

    Keep in mind that these rules were made to encourage a pleasant, safe and supportive place to chat for everyone. If you don’t like the rules, then don’t come here. Nagging about the rules, complaing to other users or people in other channels will not change them.
    If you need to contact a op Channel Operators.